Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The base fee will be $48, increasing based on extra hours of effort needed (rates listed below) due to the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Min per 1 hour $48, max per 1 hour $166 ($105 PI rate/ hour, $48 FRA rate/hour, $13 student rate/hour), billed based on actual hours and combination of workers.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $166.00/Hour
- Submitted By:
Natasha Gaspar
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AFS - Food S/T AES (S) Research
- Fund Title:
AGA - Ag Exp Station General Fnd Op
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
AGA - AES Ag Exp Station Research
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The base fee will be $48, increasing based on extra hours of effort needed (rates listed below) due to the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Min per 1 hour $48, max per 1 hour $166 ($105 PI rate/ hour, $48 FRA rate/hour, $13 student rate/hour), billed based on actual hours and combination of workers.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $166.00/Hour
- Submitted By:
Lauren Achenbach
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AFS - Food S/T AES (S) Research
- Fund Title:
AGA - Ag Exp Station General Fnd Op
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
AGA - AES Ag Exp Station Research
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The fee will range between $48 and $478 per participant based on the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Fee Schedule as follows: Base Costs for 10-100 participants: $48--$97; 100-200 participants: $48--$58. Costs with additional complex Analysis and Recruitment: 10-100 participants $148--$478; 101-200 participants $139-$201.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $478.00/Participant
- Submitted By:
Lauren Achenbach
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses Of Food
- Fund Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses of Food
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The fee will range between $48 and $478 per participant based on the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Fee Schedule as follows: Base Costs for 10-100 participants: $48--$97; 100-200 participants: $48--$58. Costs with additional complex Analysis and Recruitment: 10-100 participants $148--$478; 101-200 participants $139-$201.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $478.00/Participant
- Submitted By:
Linda Hoyser
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses Of Food
- Fund Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses of Food
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The fee will range between $48 and $478 per participant based on the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Fee Schedule as follows: Base Costs for 10-100 participants: $48--$97; 100-200 participants: $48--$58. Costs with additional complex Analysis and Recruitment: 10-100 participants $148--$478; 101-200 participants $139-$201.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $478.00/Participant
- Submitted By:
Linda Hoyser
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses Of Food
- Fund Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses of Food
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The fee will range between $48 and $478 per participant based on the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Fee Schedule as follows: Base Costs for 10-100 participants: $48--$97; 100-200 participants: $48--$58. Costs with additional complex Analysis and Recruitment: 10-100 participants $148--$478; 101-200 participants $139-$201.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $478.00/Per Participant
- Submitted By:
Linda Hoyser
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses Of Food
- Fund Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses of Food
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino
Wine Sensory Analysis
Analysis provides descriptive information for wines under evaluation. This includes intensity ratings, sorting into similar/dissimilarities with descriptions, napping and citation by frequency. Aroma, flavor, taste and mouthful descriptors may be evaluated depending on the question being addressed. Fees include any combination of the following: Running the panel, recruitment, designing the experiment, statistical analysis, and descriptive analysis. The fee will range between $48 and $478 per participant based on the amount of time required (complex tests will require more time), depth of analysis, number of samples, number of wines being evaluated, and number of people. The fee does not include panelist incentives, which will be billed at actual costs. The Total fee (including incentives) will be computed and discussed prior to any work being performed. The listed fee does not include the following items which will be billed at actual cost (if applicable): panelist incentives, transportation, lodging. If our lab is required to purchase the wine for the testing, you will be billed at actual cost. Transportation will be billed based on OSU's motorpool rate and distance to testing site. Fee Schedule as follows: Base Costs for 10-100 participants: $48--$97; 100-200 participants: $48--$58. Costs with additional complex Analysis and Recruitment: 10-100 participants $148--$478; 101-200 participants $139-$201.
- Unit:
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Department:
Food Science and Technology
- Category:
Sensory Facility and Analysis Fee
- Internal:
- External:
- Banner Index:
- Fund:
- Org:
- Program:
- Activity:
- Amount:
$48.00 - $478.00/Per Participant
- Submitted By:
Itsue Pfund
- Requester:
- Updated:
- Banner Index Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses Of Food
- Fund Title:
AGD - Sensory Analyses of Food
- Org Title:
AFS - Food Sci and Tech Oper
- Program Title:
Other Public Services/Testing
- Activity Title:
AWR - Elizabeth A. Tomasino